How to Share Your Faith

on September 21, 2023

Sharing your faith can be intimidating. You may not want to ruin a friendship, and it’s scary to put yourself out there. Or, when someone comes up to you and asks why you believe in Jesus, what do you say? As followers of Jesus, we should be telling others about Him any chance we get. To help you do that well, the resources and recommendations below can provide you with a framework and successful methods.

Scripture Reading Plans on Sharing Your Faith

The Daily ROAD is a simple framework that will help you gain courage to approach Scripture and give you focus and depth to your time, no matter where you are in your walk with Christ. This framework will work for you if you have 10 minutes or 1 hour.

RightNow Media Resources

RightNow Media is a digital library of videos and Bible studies that you can go through individually or with a group. It’s free for you to use through our account!

Book Recommendations

As you read the Bible, books can help you make sense of what you’re reading and allow you to dive deeper into Scripture and study. Here are a few books we recommend:

Keystone Resources

Trusted Resources

There are a lot of resources to choose from on the internet, but we want to equip you with some helpful and sound articles and podcasts that we trust can help you navigate this topic.


Other Resources