Local Outreach
For Our City
At Keystone, we’re committed to making an impact in our city and caring for community. We do that by serving, collecting supplies, and partnering with local organizations to help where they need it most.
Serve Our City
Every semester, our connection groups serve various local non-profits, whether it's sorting, cleaning, prepping, or packaging meals.
If you'd like to learn about how you could bless the community, reach out to Betty Baker below.
Regional Outreach
Church Planting
We are a church on the move. We have a mission of planting a church every three years in university centers across the country.
Past Church Plants
The Commons Church - East Lansing, MI
Salt Church - Bloomington-Normal, IL
Future Church Plants
Global Outreach
We want to reach the world with the good news of Jesus. Our long-term partners are sharing the Gospel in many contexts all around the world. Each year we send several short-term trips to these partners to learn, serve, and share the hope we have in Jesus.
Upcoming Events
- Nations Night - Monthly
- The Missions Course - 6-week study
Serve Short-Term
Serve Long-Term
If you are feeling led to consider serving in a long term context, please email Taylor Roose to have a conversation about what next steps could look like.