John’s description of Jesus in Revelation 1 (with Old Testament parallels):
Son of Man: Humility and authority [Daniel 7:13-14; the gospels]
Robe and golden sash: Royalty, priestly [Isaiah 22:21; Exodus 28:4]
White hair: Wisdom [Daniel 7:9]
Fiery eyes: Knowledge and insight [Revelation 2:18; 19:12; Daniel 10:6]
Bronze feet: Stability, firm foundation [2:17; Daniel 10:6]
Roaring voice: Divine authority [Revelation 1:10; Ezekiel 1:24; 43:2]
Seven stars in His hand: Control (over heavenly beings) [Revelation 1:20; 2:1; 3:1]
Sword from His mouth: Words that judge the nations and false teaching in the church [Revelation 19:15; 2:12, 16; Isaiah 11:4; 49:2]
Face shining like the sun: Divine radiance that will illumine the new creation [Revelation 21:23; Isaiah 60:19]